5th Birthday of Wojtek the Bear

5th Birthday of Wojtek the Bear

On Saturday, November 26th in Katowice we met to celebrate the 5th birthday of the "Wojtek Helps" project. We spent time at workshops, shared snackc, talking and looking at photos of what was happening at that time in Fanar near Beirut, where our volunteers from YBTE were conducting workshops for children from Southern Lebanon.

The funds raised will be used for activities aimed to help to the families from Southern Lebanon. We would like to thank the the scholl Płomień from the Stowarzyszenie Szkół Węgielek for their hospitality and the opportunity to meet!

We would like to thank everyone who got involved in organizing this event, especially the volunteers from grades VII and VI, the staff and parents for the delicious cakes, the craftsmen for donated items for the bazaar and those who celebrated Wojtek's 5th birthday with us! Your generosity will turn into concrete help!

To learn more about Wojtek clik here

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