News about our support for the Lebanese affected by the war

News about our support for the Lebanese affected by the war

On the last weekend of October YBTE team conducted trauma treatment workshops in Fanar for children who had to run away from the area of ​​Nabatiyeh, the south of Lebanon. Our volunteer Hiba conducted group classes, and then worked individually with some kids, teaching their breathing techniques and other ways to deal with stress caused by bombing.

The workshops were accompanied by games and art classes. The kids recived coloring books created after the first edition of Gardens Of Lebanon by our amazing volunteer Magda Sontag.

At the same time, the distribution of financial support for 70 families from the South or sheltering refugees took place. These are the same families that we support together with the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Lodz under various projects, i.e. Warmth For, Light For or The First Step.

We received funds straight from the Vatican, thanks to Cardinal K. Krajewski, who issued a letter on this occasion. Here is a part of it:

"(...) By passing financial support, the Apostolic Charity Office makes Pope Francis a specific will to be with those who suffer and not leave them in need (...)".

A total of 120 families will be supported as part of this donation.

At the end we had a pizza togheter cause what would it be for the Polish-Libanese meeting, without a common meal? wink

You see that our actions to help the affected war in Lebanon are real and varied. The funds for the help came from the Vatican, but the costs of organizing workshops were covered by you, for which we would like to thank!

Please further support to learn more and transfer funds, please click here.

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