Restoration works - about the project

Restoration works - about the project

Restorations of damages. To give them shelter!

During our Mission in various countries, we encountered destruction caused by war (Syria and Ukraine), an earthquake (Syria) and a huge explosion (Lebanon). The effect was always the same: visible - through the destruction itself, and hidden – by creating wounds in people's hearts.
We started restorations in Beirut in 2020, together with Caritas of the Archdiocese of Łódź. Then came Aleppo after the earthquake, and recently we also started to help in Ukraine.

Reconstruction as a treatment for trauma
The decision to return home after such tragedy is the most difficult stage. Therefore, apart from the practical dimension of helping people to survive the winter, reconstruction also has a huge but often neglected spiritual dimension. It is the first step to heal, to face the consequences of the tragedy.

Sometimes someone from the family comes back first, cleans up and starts to fix the damages. Sometimes an organization, family or institution will help repair some of the damage, sometimes all of it. Sometimes there is no furniture. But sometimes the apartment becomes more beautiful than before (this is what the inscription on one of the houses in Malula said: "We will rebuild it together to make it even more beautiful").

Reconstruction as bond and hope
So far, we have managed to provide restorations in 107 apartments and 10 other facilities in Lebanon, 7 apartments in Syria and cover two roofs in the village of Partyzanckie in Ukraine. However, more important than numbers is the fact that behind each restoration work there is a story, a person, our relationship. We often come back to them, we often check how they are doing. It's not important to show up, fix the window and disappear. Periodicity is important, visiting them sometimes. To let them know that they are heroes who decided to try again. Despite the fear that the tragedy it might happen again.

Perhaps the best example of our bond with the people we help is the story of Mario and Tania from Beirut. If you don't know her yet, click here

We continue the Mission. Currently our main efforts for reconstruction are aimed at Syria. Gradually, we also intend to develop the project in Ukraine, and here Partisanckie will be our place as long as there is a need. We also do not forget about Lebanon: there are still places that need help, and in August it will be 4 years since the tragic explosion. We are going to restore 4 places for the 4th anniversary.

In the PDF file attached below you can find more info and photos!

To support:

To donate:

IBAN Number for USD: PL11 1140 2004 0000 3712 0693 5417

IBAN Number for EURO: PL16 1140 2004 0000 3512 0693 5425

IBAN Number for PLN: PL 70 1140 2004 0000 3002 7483 9388


Recipient name: Stowarzyszenie “Dom Wschodni – Domus Orientalis”

Recipient adres: Ul. Piotrkowska 80, 90-102 Lodz, POLAND  

Transfer title: Restorations

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