Restoration works in Lebanon and Syria

Restoration works in Lebanon and Syria

You are probably following the news from the Middle East, observing the recent war in Lebanon and the ongoing changes in Syria. As an Association, we try to adapt our activities to the prevailing situation, flexibly responding to changing circumstances. Our main axis of aid activities in both Lebanon and Syria are currently projects related to reconstruction. Let's take a closer look at our activities, conducted together with Caritas of the Archdiocese of Łódź:


1. Restoration of the damaged apartments in Beirut due to the war:

In Lebanon, we are in a ceasefire period and at this stage no one can clearly state whether the war is over or will blow up again soon. Nevertheless, we decided not to wait and got down to hard work!

So far we have managed to help in 6 apartments in the Ain el Remmaneh area, 1 in Chiyah and 1 in Hadath. More apartments are about to be renovated soon. The apartments were damaged to a lesser extent, because they were located next to the objects hit by rockets. We have replaced windows, sometimes doors and aluminum frames. In the long term, we will also provide repair or replacement of furniture and damaged household appliances.

2. What about those affected in August 2020?

In Beirut, we do not forget people affected by the deadly explosion in the port in 4th of August 2020. One such person is Mr. Sameer, whose dental clinic was severely damaged in the explosion and no one has helped him since then. So far, we have managed to install new windows, doors and carry out renovations in the bathroom. The dentist's chair remains to be repaired, but even if this cannot be done, Mr. Sameer will be able to rent a space, thanks to which he will finally be able to secure funds for his sick sisters under his care.

3. Return to Galilee

We have just met with Fathers Yousef and George from the village of Kfour in South Lebanon. You already know the place and the community, we have helped them many times! The time is slowly coming to support their return to the South, but it is not that easy! Many houses have been destroyed or severely damaged, and several require minor renovations. We are waiting for the ceasefire to turn into a lasting peace and then we can get down to work together. Until then, we continue to support the kids and their parents at Kfour to get through this difficult time!


1. Terre Sainte needs help again

The recent events in Syria have surprised us all and raised many questions about how people will live in the new reality. We will have to wait for answers, all we know is that for now, nothing bad is happening to our dear Brothers and Sisters in Aleppo, and the city is slowly coming back to life.

Unfortunately, after withdrawing from Aleppo, government forces, for unknown reasons, shelled Terre Sainte - a unique place that we have mentioned to you many times! We were deeply saddened when we received information about the destruction in the building that was used to conduct workshops on healing trauma - through art, dance, theater and sports classes. The bakery, which serves over 1,500 meals a day to the poorest in the area, was also damaged. The rockets did not spare the section intended for young athletes either.

All that was left for us to do was to donate the first funds to help rebuild Terre Sainte! Together, we will make it even more beautiful than before!

2. After the earthquake

We are still working on helping to remove the effects of the earthquake in Aleppo. So far, we have helped to renovate 11 apartments and one bakery! Another four apartments are being renovated, which will serve the Parish as temporary accommodation for young Christians who have trouble renting.

3. Return to Christian villages in Syria

One of the conditions for stopping the extinction of Christianity in the Middle East is to support those who live in rural areas and hold on to their land despite all adversities. Therefore, just like in Lebanon, we try to support initiatives aimed at helping Brothers and Sisters from Syrian Christian villages. And so, through Franciscan parishes, we help to renovate Christian houses in villages in Idleeb, damaged during the war and earthquake. In this way, we help those who left their homes and are unable to rebuild them themselves to return. So far we have helped carry out comprehensive renovations of 3 houses, and we are currently working on two more.

Thank you for beliving in us!!

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