Support for South Lebanon
Since mid-September, the war situation in Lebanon has escalated rapidly, as could be read in the media. However, no one expected a day like Monday 23.09 to come, when there will be several hundred airstrikes in various places in Lebanon and the death of almost 300 people. These tragic events are accompanied by a mass flight of people from South Lebanon, which may push Lebanon into another dramatic ethnic crisis.
Our joint presence with Caritas of the Archdiocese of Łódź in South Lebanon goes back further than the beginning of the conflict. We arrived there a few months even before war in Gaza started, as if gaining time, getting to know and preparing for what was to come later.
We tell more about our visits and interactions in "Notes from South Lebanon", you can find a link to the first story here.
In addition to "accompanying", we try to help in various ways in the South, mainly the residents of two villages: Homsiyeh (Jezzine region) and Kfour (near Nabatiyeh).
First, as part of the “Light For” project, we installed 50 solar lamps in the homes of families from both villages, then we helped nearly 40 families survive the winter by purchasing wood, diesel or electric heaters, as part of the “Warmth For” project.
Over time, did helping children become very important? First, we provided scholarships to 11 of the 26 children from Kfour as part of the “First Step”.
Our support for the children from Kfour is not only financial resources for education, but also psychological help. In mid-April, we invited the children to Beirut, where we organized workshops on healing trauma and acquiring skills to cope with stress caused by the war in the South: explosions or fighter jets flying at low altitudes. The workshops were led by Hiba, from our Young Team “YBTE”, and after their completion, each child received a package of sweets and coloring books with information about Poland.
Thanks to the support of Łódź parishes, we managed to collect and transfer as much as USD 5,000 to fund scholarships for all the children from Kfour. Additionally, we helped 3 children from another village located nearby.
Now we are going to face further crisis: people will need shelter, medicine, restoration of broken houses.
Thank you in advance for your support!
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