"Warmth For" - we've finished heating installations for 10 families in Beirut

"Warmth For" - we've finished heating installations for 10 families in Beirut

Thanks to our generous donors, we are much relieved to know that this project solves a major issue for the families and enables them to benefit from their limited financial resources without having to incur the cost of using the electrical boilers anymore.

Given the challenges imposed by the crippling economical situation, many families struggle to cover the generator bills and have to resort to heating pots of water to use in the household, especially during the cold season. Hot water is a basic need but has become a luxury for so many nowadays.

Simple math leads us to conclude that the installation of gas boilers will reduce the bill by 60%. The cost of the refill for the gas cylinder doesn’t exceed 11$ and lasts for a couple of months since the boiler is only turned on when the hot water is needed.

If the electrical boiler is turned on, there will be a minimum charge of 80$ per month for the generator bill which means the increase in the bill can amount to 50$ per month knowing that the household will have to subscribe monthly for no less than 10 Amperes but unfortunately, the majority cannot afford such a luxury. The cost of installation of the gas boilers is approximately equal to 8 months of use of the electrical boiler with the advantage of solving a problem for the long term.

10 families were carefully chosen to benefit from the project, their gratitude was more than obvious. One family was trying for months to save some money to install such a boiler but couldn’t because of the increasing cost of living that consumed the salaries of both parents.

Few elderly people will be able now to take a decent hot shower without compromising their delicate health along with parents who will be able to tuck their children in bed after a proper hot bath without using a bucket and a jug.

To learn more about "Warmth For" clich here

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