Franciscans Care Center in Terre Sainte Aleppo

Franciscans Care Center in Terre Sainte Aleppo
Franciscans Care Center in Terre Sainte Aleppo

Franciscans Care Center is a unique place of meting and support. By various activities (psychological therapy, art, music, sport, dancing, theatre and English classes) children and youth healing war-trauma and are educated to become those who will built Syria in future.

Initially we supported construction of a swimming pool in FCC. In February and March 2018 we were organizing “Swimming to Aleppo” project ( We invited people in 10 biggest cities in Poland to go for a swim in selected swimming pools as a sign of solidarity with the youth in Aleppo. The goal of the project was to swim the distance between Warsaw and Aleppo (2410 km) together. It was achieved due to the 1024 volunteers participated in it. This project later transformed into “Lodz for Aleppo” ( carried along with Caritas od Archidiocese of Lodz in Poland. In April 2019 we organised big event: outdoor exhibitions about Aleppo (50 volunteers were also collecting the money), lectures about Syrian history and culture, concert and prayer in the Cathedral of Lodz. Money we collected with Caritas helped to finish the construction of the swimming pool. But the mission is not finish because the constant support of developing the FCC is needed!

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